SRBMiner-MULTI is a cryptocurrency miner that can mine up to 4 different algorithms/coins at the same time!

It can mine with both your CPU and GPU (AMD only) devices.

Supported operating systems:

+ Windows 64bit
+ Linux

Supported AMD devices:

+ RX 6500/6700/6800/6900
+ RX 5300/5400/5500/5600/5700
+ VEGA 56/64/FE/VII
+ RX 460/470/480/550/560/570/580/590
+ R9 285/285X/380/380X
+ R9 290/290X
+ R9 Fury/Nano

Supported Algorithms

[devfee] algorithm


[0.85%] balloon_zentoshi
[0.85%] circcash
[0.85%] cpupower
[0.85%] curvehash
[0.85%] ghostrider
[0.85%] minotaur
[0.85%] panthera
[0.85%] randomarq
[0.85%] randomepic
[0.85%] randomhash2
[0.85%] randomkeva
[0.85%] randomsfx
[0.85%] randomwow
[0.85%] randomx
[0.00%] randomxl
[0.85%] randomyada
[1.00%] rx2
[0.85%] scryptn2
[0.85%] yescryptr16
[0.85%] yescryptr32
[0.85%] yescryptr8
[0.85%] yespower
[0.85%] yespower2b
[0.85%] yespowerarwn
[0.85%] yespoweric
[0.85%] yespoweriots
[0.00%] yespoweritc
[0.85%] yespowerlitb
[0.85%] yespowerltncg
[0.85%] yespowermgpc
[0.85%] yespowerr16
[0.85%] yespowerres
[0.85%] yespowersugar
[0.85%] yespowertide
[0.00%] yespowerurx


[0.85%] argon2d_dynamic
[0.85%] argon2id_chukwa
[0.85%] argon2id_chukwa2
[0.85%] argon2id_ninja
[2.00%] autolykos2
[0.85%] bl2bsha3
[0.00%] blake2b
[0.00%] blake2s
[0.00%] cryptonight_cache
[0.85%] cryptonight_ccx
[0.85%] cryptonight_gpu
[0.00%] cryptonight_heavyx
[0.00%] cryptonight_talleo
[0.85%] cryptonight_turtle
[0.85%] cryptonight_upx
[0.85%] cryptonight_xhv
[0.85%] eaglesong
[0.65%] etchash
[0.65%] ethash
[1.00%] heavyhash
[0.85%] k12
[0.85%] kadena
[0.00%] keccak
[2.00%] lyra2v2_webchain
[0.85%] phi5
[0.65%] ubqhash
[1.00%] verthash
[0.85%] verushash
[0.85%] yescrypt


  • Mine up to 4 algorithms simultaneously
  • Guided setup mode
  • Run in background without a window
  • Hashrate watchdog that restarts miner on GPU error
  • Monitoring of GPU temperature, and auto turn off if temperature is too high
  • System shutdown on too high GPU temperature
  • Miner auto restart on too many rejected shares
  • API for miner statistics
  • Web based GUI interface for miner statistics
  • Multiple pools with failover support
  • Difficulty monitor, reconnects to pool if difficulty is too high
  • Job timeout monitor, reconnects to pool if no job received for a long time
  • Switch AMD video cards to compute mode easily
  • Bunch of other useful features
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